
Millions of stores around the world are eCommerce-only businesses. The internet has opened up the floodgates for enterprising individuals around the world to sell (nearly) anything online. 


These sites are great for people just starting out. They contain site builders that automate much of the website architecture. But, what happens once the sales start pouring in? Is it worth it to keep on using preset eCommerce solutions? In most cases, overwhelmingly no.


As you’ll learn in some of the following blog posts, large payment aggregators charge flat rate fees that might be as high as 4% + some change. You can bet your bottom dollar that larger retailers like Walmart, Target, and Amazon are not paying these prices. So, should you?


In addition to fees and fee structures, we’ll also cover other interesting topics that relate to the world of eCommerce. Is there a way to go about selling an eCommerce site you’ve built? What can you do to boost web traffic and reduce the rate of abandoned carts?


Interestingly, collecting debit and credit card payments is a key to improving your online business. Payment processing provides data points to analyze. You’ll learn, for example, what items customers purchase together and how to recognize possibilities for upselling. A robust payment solutions suite is the entry point for revenue improvement. Learn more about these eCommerce topics in some of our articles below.

Payment Solutions

Integrating Gateway Services Directly With Your Processor – Collect Payment Like a Pro

 — 8 minutes

ECS integrated gateway allows you to collect payments with no third parties involved during a secure checkout.

Payment Solutions

14 Benefits of Virtual Terminals For Businesses

 — 18 minutes

Virtual terminal solutions offer many enhanced features that merchants can significantly benefit from. whether you’re a small business or a large.

Payment Solutions

eCommerce Payment Processing Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide

 — 14 minutes

An easy guide that can help you set up eCommerce payments to rake in the big bucks and thrive without a the need of a physical storefront.